With us you get access to the world's leading alternative investment managers. Together with you, we analyse and plan the appropriate use of alternative investments in the context of your existing assets - also with regard to your risk profile.
Our reporting and administrative processes ensure that you always have an overview of your alternative investments.

Private equity is an entrepreneurial investment that provides a company with growth capital.
We invest primarily in profitable companies: Companies that need capital to expand or to bring a new product to market.

Even in the low-interest phase, private debt funds offer investors the chance of attractive risk-adjusted returns.
Access to top managers is crucial for performance: success is repeatable, the best managers generate consistently good returns.

The demand for real estate is unbroken, partly because there is a lack of profitable alternatives, especially for institutional investors.
However, tenant demand for space also remains good. Direct property investments or indirect investments via funds are possible.

Infrastructure investments offer attractive returns due to long-term purchase contracts, low volatility in economic fluctuations and partially regulated prices.
Pricing power or consumer price index-linked pricing also provides protection against inflation.

Hedge funds can be a strategic component and stabilising anchor in the portfolio, especially as the true value of these strategies is not seen in bull markets but in a difficult market environment when capital preservation becomes more important.